I'm so upset that this was just a single. This genuinely came out of nowhere for me- a song like this? From JYP? From someone who was in the Wonder Girls?
Well listen here, if you haven't heard the song already!
It's a romantic song with a sexy theme to the video. Before I say anything else, though, I need to talk about what makes sexy themes work, and what doesn't work.
This works, but not everything does.
It's not always a matter of whether or not something is "Classy" (People have different interpretations of this anyway) and while that can't hurt, I don't think that's the key to making a sexy concept work.
Being a lady myself, and not one who is attracted to other ladies, sexy concepts don't appeal to me in the ideal way. The key to making a sexy concept work, though, is making it watchable even if the viewer doesn't think it's sexy.
Think about it- think about some sexy move you might have seen and imagine it through the eyes of someone who won't find it sexy. Instead of sexy, it may come off as just awkward, weird, or uncomfortable. This video has only a couple of issues with that for me, but most of the "sexy" moves don't distract from everything else by seeming too awkward for a viewer like me.
Not awkward or uncomfortable for those who aren't into it.
Now that that's out of the way, I don't feel like there's anything horrible about the video. A couple of the sexy moves made me tilt my head, but nothing extremely distracting. At the same time though, the video was also very basic, and nothing especially caught my eye until the bridge (I'll talk about the bridge again later).
More important than the video, though, the song itself was exceptional. This kind of dance song reminded me of the same style used in GaIn's Step 2/4 album, which I adore. The lyrics weren't profound or exceptional, but they were still a clear cut (or two) above the average pop song.
That doesn't mean that every second of the song worked perfectly, though. Remember the bridge? It did transition a little awkwardly, and while I got more accustomed to it after more listens, the fact remains that it could have gone a bit more smoothly. The imagery in the video during the bridge was great, the effects and camera work were better there than they were throughout the rest of the video.
The song was great and the video wasn't spectacular, but it accomplished what it wanted to do. Sunmi and JYP surprised me with such a good single.
I give Sunmi's 24 Hours...
73% 90%
video song
Overall, I give it a
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